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Housemartins Soup Rar

카테고리 없음

by booklilawal1971 2020. 3. 5. 12:56


. Ted Key. Justin Patrick. Chris Lang.The Housemartins were an English group formed in who were active in the 1980s, and charted three top ten albums and six top twenty singles in the UK. Many of their lyrics were a mixture of politics and, reflecting the beliefs of the band (the back cover of their debut album, contained the message, 'Take – Take – Take Hope'). The group's cover version of ' (originally by ) was a UK Number 1 single in December 1986.After breaking up in 1988, and formed, while bassist Norman Cook became an DJ and music producer, founding the groups, and, before rebranding himself as.

Contents.Career Formation The band was formed in late 1983 by (vocals) and (guitar), initially as a busking duo. Throughout his tenure with the band, Heaton billed himself as 'P.d. Heaton'.Heaton and Cullimore recorded a demo tape with Ingo Dewsnap and Sharon Green of Les Zeiga Fleurs which brought them to the attention of. They then expanded by recruiting Ted Key (bass), former guitarist with the Gargoyles. Their first live performance as a band was at in October 1984. The band's membership changed considerably over the years.

Key left at the end of 1985 and was replaced by (the future ). Drummer Chris Lang was replaced by, former drummer with the Gargoyles, who in turn was replaced with.The band often referred to themselves as 'the fourth best band in Hull', with the best three bands being, and the Gargoyles. Breakthrough In 1986, having recorded two sessions, the band broke through with their third single ', which reached No. The single's success was helped by a animated pop promo of a type that was in vogue at the time, featuring a by television comedian, who toured with the band under his stage name of 'Porky the Poet'.Debut album London 0 Hull 4 was released later in 1986 and contained their previous two singles as well as alternative versions of first single ' and follow-up to Happy Hour, '.' Caravan of Love' At the end of 1986 they had their only UK No. 1 single on 16 December with a cover version of 's '. It was knocked off the top spot by 's ' on 23 December, denying the Housemartins the coveted Christmas No.

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1 single.The style of 'Caravan of Love' was not to the taste of all Housemartins', although a cappella material had always been part of the band's repertoire. 'Caravan of Love' was first performed by the band in their second in April 1986, prior to their initial chart success. At Peel's suggestion, the band then recorded another session (under the name the Fish City Five), consisting entirely of a cappella performances, and on at least one occasion (at The Tower nightclub in Hull, the same concert at which they were filmed as the Housemartins for the BBC programme, Rock Around the Clock), played support act for their own performance under this alternative name.

The 'Caravan of Love' single featured four a cappella gospel songs on the.Second album and after The Housemartins' second album was released in September 1987, and included their two previous singles ' and '. A third single from the album, ', was released in November; a Peel Session from the same month provided a recording used for their last single ' in 1988.A farewell compilation album, was released later that year.After the split The band split in 1988, but the members have remained friends and have worked on each other's projects. ^ Strong, Martin C. The Great Rock Discography (5th ed.). Edinburgh: Mojo Books. Pp. 460–461.

^. Retrieved 1 April 2016. Musical Messages, Marxism Today, March 1987, p45-47 Interview. Frame, Pete (1999) Pete Frame's Rockin' Around Britain: Rock'n'roll Landmarks of the UK and Ireland, Omnibus Press, p. Beautiful South and Paul Heaton Fans.

Archived from on 26 December 2016. Retrieved 28 October 2016.

Housemartins Soup RarHousemartins soup rar list

Roberts, David (2006). British Hit Singles & Albums (19th ed.). London: Guinness World Records Limited.

P. 261. Longhorn, Danny (6 October 2014). Archived from on 10 October 2014. Retrieved 4 November 2016. ^ Cooper, Kim & Smay, David (2004) Lost in the Grooves: Scram's Capricious Guide to the Music You Missed, Routledge,.

Fletcher, Tony (2012) A Light that Never Goes Out: The Enduring Saga of The Smiths, William Heinemann Ltd, p. 548.

^ Quantick, David (1986) ', December 1986, p. Retrieved 15 July 2013. Lamie, Maria 'The Housemartins' in Buckley, Peter (ed.) (2003) The Rough Guide to Rock, Rough Guides, pp. 509–510. ^ (1993). Australian Chart Book 1970–1992 (Illustrated ed.). Ives, N.S.W.: Australian Chart Book.

The Kent Report chart was licensed by between mid 1983 and 19 June 1988. ^ Stephen Thomas Erlewine. Retrieved 22 November 2015.

Retrieved 25 December 2013. Retrieved 25 December 2013. Retrieved 25 December 2013. Retrieved 25 December 2013. Retrieved 25 December 2013. Retrieved 25 December 2013. Retrieved 25 December 2013.

Retrieved 18 March 2014.External links. on.

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